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Forest School Programme

Forest School sessions within a school setting complement the National Curriculum, creating an opportunity to focus on skills that will contribute to the holistic development of every child, encouraging a deeper understanding of nature and personal development.


We take children on a learning journey, evidencing their progression of skills. For example, when learning how to light a fire, children firstly understand the principles of fire science, then learn how to sight, set, light, tend to, then extinguish it safely.


Taking a child on a learning journey from concept, to practising tangible skills and gaining a deeper understanding is where the magic of Forest School happens.  It's about self-discovery of every child, and we provide the safe space by which this can happen.  This same idea can be taken across many areas of learning within forest school and progression shown as feedback for school. Tools, knots, den building, process art, wood craft are to name but a few. 


Through careful observation and following our framework of progression across many areas within Forest School, evidence can be shared with schools where individual growth of tangible skills and holistic development can be seen together with a plan for future development.

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